Home » Indoor Running Tracks: What You Need to Know

Indoor Running Tracks: What You Need to Know

If you have ever run indoors on a track instead of in the great outdoors, then you might know that it has a completely different feel to it. If you have only ever ventured into the outdoors for your running experiences, then you might be wondering why people would ever choose to run indoors as an alternative.

We are going to be looking at everything that you might need to know about running indoors, including both the advantages and disadvantages of it, and why you might want to take part.

Indoor Running Tracks What You Need to Know

Indoor and outdoor running are two very different experiences, due to the track itself, but it can also be different due to the overall experience.

Many people enjoy being in the outdoors, but others might prefer running at an indoor track, but if you are stuck between the two, you should be more well informed by the end of this article. 

Why Run Indoors Instead of Outdoors?

The most obvious reason why you might want to run indoors instead of outdoors is due to the fact that it allows you to escape bad weather, like when it is raining or really cold.

Instead, you can enjoy running indoors without having to face the additional challenges that can arise due to different environmental factors.

Aside from this, you can also learn a lot about the technical side of running by using an indoor track that you may not have learned in the great outdoors. 

If running is more than just a hobby for you, then you might be looking to expand on your existing skills and techniques that you need when running. An indoor track will provide you with the opportunity to do this, and this is due to the track that you will be running on.

A big part of running is your turnover, and indoor tracks are shorter, which means that there are tighter turns. This will force you to work on this part in specific when it comes to your running stride, and it will provide you with a controlled environment in which you can continue to improve on your technique. 

Indoor training is really common in running due to the experience that it can provide you with. This style of running can even help you to avoid certain injuries that could be inflicted due to a lack of technique, and it can also be great fun.

As well as all of this, it can also be a great change of scenery that can help to keep things exciting as you face new challenges, so even if you don’t want to run for any reason in specific, indoor track running could still be really beneficial for you.

The Benefits of Running Indoors

Something that is really important when you are looking at indoor running tracks is being aware of the benefits that they can provide you with.

We are going to explain some of these benefits below. 

Mental Ability

A lot of the time, our physical ability can be capped due to the fact that our minds are not permitting us to take leaps in progress.

If you think that you cannot do something, then you won’t be able to do it. Running on an indoor track can help you to overcome any mental blocks by pushing you to work through these issues.

Due to the shorter distance of the track in comparison to those that are outdoors, you are going to have to run double the amount of laps to reach the same distance.

This can help to push you to work on things that you wouldn’t have been doing on an outdoor track, and you will be able to do this all year round. This can help to keep you motivated and overcome any mental struggles that you might be having along the way. 

Weather Interruptions

Anyone that has even run outdoors will know how annoying it can be when you are being limited by the weather conditions that are present. Training indoors will eliminate any of these issues that you would normally face due to the weather, and this can include things like wind resistance.

When you are facing the wind on your run, it can often slow you down and get in the way of your performance, especially in the winter when the weather can become more aggressive.

When you are training indoors, you can focus solely on your technique and progress without having to consider the impact that the weather is having on your run. As well as this, your run can also be made much more pleasant and comfortable, and you can focus all of your efforts on the task at hand.

Training indoors also gets rid of the risk of accidental injuries due to wet weather, and you won’t have to worry about slipping or accidentally hurting yourself. This is a great way to gain back some of the control that the weather can often take from you.

The Rules of Indoor Running Tracks

When it comes to running indoors, you will also be presented with some common rules for running.

If you are wondering what rules you might be expecting in terms of running at an indoor track, you can find out more below. 

Stay in Your Lane

You will need to make sure that you stay in your lane so that you are not interrupting the progress that someone else is trying to make. This is also the best way to avoid injuries, as you don’t want to accidentally fly into someone else if you aren’t paying attention to your lane. 

Some of the indoor running tracks will have designated lanes for different speeds, and the outer lanes are typically going to be the fastest as the corners aren’t as tight.

Additionally, some tracks might have an outer lane for those that are just warming up, so you can make use of this if you are doing a warm-up before the real deal.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Indoor track running can often be a fast-paced environment, which is why it is really important to be aware of your surroundings at all times.

Try not to put yourself in a situation that ends up with you being in someone’s way, especially if they didn’t see you coming.

Always look around before you attempt to cross the track, and make sure you look behind you before you get set up to start your run. 

The Negatives Of Indoor Track Running

The first thing that you need to know about indoor running tracks is that they might not be as exciting as you thought.  This means that you might start to find it boring after a while, which is why you might want to consider warming up outside before you go in to keep things exciting.

There is no feeling like that of running outdoors, and this is something that you might start to miss, especially when the weather is nice.

There is also the fact that the track itself is going to be different, which might be challenging at first. It can feel like you are putting in a lot more effort for the same amount of distance, but you should try not to let it get to you. Things will get better if you stick to it. 

What You Need to Know About Indoor Running Tracks

The most important thing that you need to know about indoor running tracks is that the experience is going to be really different in comparison to outdoor running tracks.

The track itself is different, with turns and bends that you might not have expected, and it might be more demanding than you had originally thought that it would be. However, if you keep trying and really put your mind to it, you will be able to overcome the new challenges that you face in no time. 


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